Bachelor's degree en Medicina

Bachelor’s thesis

Competences to be attained

  • Understanding and critically interpreting scientific texts.
  • Understanding the principles of the scientific methods, biomedical research and clinical trials.
  • Understanding and being able to use the principles of (best) evidence-based medicine.
  • Acquiring the skills required of an interdisciplinary piece of work that has a bearing on various academic subjects.

Study activities

  • Research, either academic or based on a complex clinical case, under the supervision of a lecturer-tutor. The principles of (best) evidence-based medicine.

Assessment system

  • Assessment of basic, cross-disciplinary or clinical research skills in the presentation and defence of an initial research project, which will be written by students under the supervision of a lecturer on the degree programme and defended before a board of examiners appointed for this purpose.

Normativa Treball Final de Grau